
25th, April, 2009

Today, two police officers came to my house.
My bicycle came back to me, but its lock and pannier are broken.
I lead them to the place that my bicycle was stolen.
And explained about the day.

I was very tired..............

I don't need the bicycle.....

see u soon!

5 件のコメント:

m_yam さんのコメント...

The word "pannier" (basket) was new to me! Thanks!!! British English, isn't it?

It's back with broken lock and pannier... that's too bad. And you have a new bicycle already. :(
(Why don't you post its photo?)

I guess you can sell the bicycle!

MOE さんのコメント...

Yes! It is British English.

haha!sorry! LOL

I try to say that to my parents!

keimy さんのコメント...


It was too bad.
To tell the truth,I stole your bicycle.....sooooory
It's joke.

Koshikawa is the best volleyball player!!!He is so cooooool!!!!I luv him ;)

MOE さんのコメント...

You stole my bicycle!?
You are very bad girl ne.......


One of two policemen was cooool!
I saw him all the time!LOL

m_yam さんのコメント...

A good-looking policeman? You see him all the time?

Well, that's a good part of the story! :D